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Posted on: 13/03/2020

Update on Covid - 19 13/03/20

As shared on Parentmail 13/03/20

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your ongoing support in the steps the school has already taken to minimise the risks and spread of the Coronavirus. Due to the evolving situation, I am writing to further update you on the school’s current position and response. It continues to be important for the children that we remain calm and work together as a school community to follow the national guidance.

Overall, in school it remains business as usual with learning and preparations for activities and events happening as normal.


The school maintains the measures as described in the previous communication sent via Parentmail on Wednesday 4th March.

In addition to this and for your information:

  • The school has contacted any parties that use the school building e.g. commercial clubs, to set out its current position and expectations on how they should be responding to the matter.
  • Additional checks and protocols are in place for any visitors into the building - please see the attached posters to take into consideration if you are to visit inside the school.
  • Prudent preparations are being made in advance of any potential school closure. This is primarily around providing access to a suite of Year Group specific learning tasks via the school website and email capabilities. Should this eventuality become more likely or actually occur then further information will be provided to families at this time.

The advice from the Government on school closure remains the same as described in the communication sent via Parentmail on Wednesday 4th March.


Unfortunately, and following updated guidance from the Government, the Year 5 Eschweiler residential has now been cancelled. Families that this impacts have been communicated with and we are all understandably disappointed but recognise the unique situation. Parents are able to collect passports from Mrs Blay at School Reception.

The Year 4 PGL Windmill Hill visit is still set to happen as planned. Specific update and Final Information has now been shared via Parentmail and we are looking forward to departure on Monday morning.

How You Can Help

  1. If your child demonstrates symptoms identifiable as potentially related to the Coronavirus, then keep them at home and contact NHS 111.
  2. If you consider your child or a household family member at high risk against the Government’s criteria, and have not either been contacted by the school or you have not made contact, please communicate as soon as possible.
  3. At this time and until further notice, if a household member is required to isolate, the school would appreciate a notification to inform its risk management.
  4. Reiterate to your child the importance of their personal and inter-personal hygiene and of maintaining it at school – particularly handwashing!
  5. Communicate with the school if you or your child as recently visited an area highlighted by Public Health England as high risk.
  6. Please advise the school if your child has any known allergies to either soap or hand sanitisers.
  7. Be mindful of media and news and their appropriateness for children’s level of understanding this will help ensure your child does not become unduly worried.
  8. If you are able to provide your own child with a pocket pack of tissues AND/OR donate a box or two of tissues, then that would be greatly appreciated. Any donations can be brought into class by your child or handed to Mrs Blay at School Reception.

Further Assistance/Guidance

Remember, if you have any direct medical concerns, to contact NHS 111

For further information, please see

Clearly, this remains an evolving situation. We will aim keep you up to date with any new information or changes, as directed by the Government and Surrey County Council, as and when they arise

Your ongoing understanding and cooperation is appreciated.


Mr Moses



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