New Parent and Carer Information

Welcome to Reigate Priory School.2015 12 02 114757

Choosing and moving to a new school is a very exciting time for children and their families. Understandably, like any change, it can sometimes appear slightly daunting. It is therefore, very important to us to make this transition as comprehensive and smooth as possible.

Prospective Parents and Carers 

The best possible way to find out about our learning community is to come and visit.

The main way to do this is to come and join one of our Open Events in November. In 2024, these will be taking place at 9.30am - 11am on 19th, 20th and 21st November. 

On these occasions we will warmly welcome you into our unique building and after an introduction address from the Headteacher, where you will also meet other Senior Leaders, members of the Governing Body and the Famility and Staff Association (FSA), you will have the opportunity to participate in a guided tour of the school led by our Year 6 children - our best school ambassadors! Please complete the google form, which will open nearer the time, to book your place.  

Feedback from previous prospective parents and carers... "very informative and warm welcome. Loved meeting with some of the teachers - what a dedicated, fantastic team!", "I found the open morning incredibly useful. The school's ethos and community really shone through and it was clear how proud everyone was to work/attend the school." 

If you are a parent of a child who would be starting at other times of the academic year, please call us to make an appointment to visit so we can ensure your full introduction to our school.

Welcome and Tour of Reigate Priory School Video 

New Parent and Carer Information Letter

Induction Letter

Latest Newsletter

Introduction to the Family and Staff Association (FSA)

The Surrey County Council Primary school application process opens on DATE TO BE CONFIRMED . If you have any queries relating to the admissions process, including the admissions criteria, please contact Surrey County Council Admissions on 0300 200 1004 or click HERE.

Admissions Information

Come and join us!

For more information on how your child can join our amazing learning community, click on this link.

Year 2 Transition Information into Year 3 2024-25

In addition to the information contained within our school website, please find below some further details relating to your child's transition to Reigate Priory:

School Uniform Information

School Uniform Postcard

Mapac School Uniform Provider Information 2024-25

Reigate Priory Term Dates 2024-25

Parental Donations

FSA Info

Early Bird Club

T-Club-6 New Members Information 2024-25

Should you have any questions or queries relating to Reigate Priory School, then please contact the School Office on 01737 245065.