
Key Documentation: 

History Long Term Planning

Year 3 History Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 History Spring Term Knowledge Organiser 

Year 4 History Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser

Year 5 History Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 History Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 History Summer Term Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 History Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 History Spring Term Knowledge Organiser

The aim of our History Curriculum is to:

  • Introduce children to significant historical eras, both in Britain and throughout the wider world.
  • Develop curiosity through interaction with primary sources.
  • Develop investigative skills and ability to interpret information about how people lived at different times.
  • Ensure children understand that primary source evidence is influenced by historical circumstance and are challenged to decide how reliable sources of information are, and why.
  • Foster an understanding of how past events and decisions have led to changes in society which affect the way we live today.
  • Provide the opportunity to communicate an understanding of History in a variety of ways.

Subject Leader - Mr A. Pearce 

Teaching and Learning in History:

As part of Reigate Priory’s skills-centred, topic-based curriculum, History is integrated into termly topics wherever possible, ensuring that there is a progression of skills through the school. Lessons are developed to make links with other curriculum subjects through broad and balanced topic areas which build upon the prior learning of the children.

Pupils develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study. They learn to note connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms. Pupils develop their understanding of how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources. The teaching of History includes an investigation of sources, both primary and secondary, and a critical evaluation of their value and accuracy in forming an opinion about a historical period or event.

Children’s learning is peer and self assessed against success checkers as well as receiving feedback from the teacher. Learning is benchmarked by the Focus Assessment Criteria to ensure standards and progress.

History is an increasingly powerful subject for developing pupils’ understanding of the issues around how social, racial and cultural diversity is represented in the historical record. At Reigate Priory we take seriously our duty to build children’s cultural capital and ensure it reflects the diversity of the world around them and the contribution of all people to history.

Contribution to SMSC and British Values:

  • Celebration and acknowledgment of the contribution of a variety of cultures to the progress of history.
  • Learning of the impact of other civilisations in forming modern, democratic Britain
  • Challenging pre conceived, potentially discriminatory ideas through historical study.
  • Investigating and challenging the representation of diversity in the historical record.
  • Considering the moral questions raised by historical events such as war, invasion and empire.

At the end of the Key Stage a Reigate Priory History Learner can:

  • Place features of historical events and people from the past societies and periods in a chronological framework.
  • Explain how historic items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past.
  • Construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information.
  • Describe a key event from Britain’s past and global history using a range of evidence from different sources.