
Reigate Priory is a busy learning community so there are many ways to lend a helping hand. This can include listening to children read, supporting Year Group cooking sessions, being a librarian to keep the library tidy and organised or even helping outside to maintain our playground and green spaces. Maybe you have a skill or interest that could contribute to the learning or even a new club?

Should you wish to help at Reigate Priory you will need to:

1) Have a conversation with your child’s class teacher to offer your help and discuss if this is possible and if it will be regular commitment. (The class teacher may direct you to another member of staff if your offer is more relevant to their area of responsibility).

2) Regular volunteer – weekly or 3 or more times in a monthyou will need to attend one of the ‘Volunteer Safeguarding Training’ sessions arranged throughout the academic year.

Please contact the School Office for more details and dates for future sessions.

Sessions include information on volunteering at Reigate Priory including that related to safeguarding, Fire and Lockdown procedures, how to obtain DBS (Disclosure Barring System) clearance and next steps to making your offer of help happen.

A contribution of £12 will need to be paid to cover the costs of the DBS clearance.

Parents with valid DBS clearance from last year are politely asked to attend a training session before initiating volunteering going forward.

3) Occasional or one off volunteer, including helping in Arts WeekThis can include a one off visit to help cooking or accompany children in their walk to go swimming. Requests for help will be provided in communications sent to families prior to the activity or event. Details of how to offer your support will be included in these.

Thank you in advance for any and all assistance – it is greatly appreciated!