Behaviour Expectations, Rewards and Consequences

We have high expectations of the standards of behaviour of our children.  Our expectations are there for the smooth and safe running of our school community. 

Good behaviour and learning are rewarded with verbal praise, house points and 'stickers' in the classroom.  Year 3 have a weekly Gold Book assembly to celebrate positive behaviour and attitudes. Certificates are also presented to encourage children to collect house points.

Our Code of Behaviour, which sets out six statements that encourage self-discipline and consideration for others, is as follows:

  • I will treat everyone with kindness and respect.
  • I will always tell the truth the first time.
  • I will learn and play safely.
  • I will respect my own and other people’s property.
  • I will stay within set boundaries.
  • I will listen and respond to instructions the first time from:
    - Teachers and other adults in the school. 
    - Lunchtime supervisors. 
    - Year 6 Prefects.

It is the responsibility of all adults to set a good example and ensure acceptable behaviour at all times. 

If children do not meet our behaviour expectations there is a set procedure and associated consequences of which explained within the school’s Behaviour Policy.

The class teacher, Year Leader, Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher are the ‘line’ for any behaviour problems. Parents and carers will be contacted should the situation be of a serious enough nature e.g. stealing, swearing, aggressive behaviour, persistently not engaging with learning.    

Children that are found to have demonstrated these serious behaviours will spend an appropriate time with a Senior Leader participating in restorative learning tasks. This will allow them to evaluate the impact of their behaviour and identify the improvements they need to make to prevent the behaviour from occurring again.

The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy which condemns bullying of any kind.  We are a ‘TELLING’ school and children are encouraged to communicate any worries or difficulties they or their peers may be having through the following statements displayed around school:

  • We Care – We Share
  • Have Courage – Tell a teacher
  • Help Others – Tell a teacher
  • We’re here to Listen
  • Be a Friend – Tell a Teacher
  • We’re here to Listen

Praise and encouragement from both parents and teachers are excellent motivators.