Home Learning
We believe that home learning brings school learning to life and promotes the motivating attitude and curiosity required to become a life-long learner. Home learning aims to consolidate and extend school learning and provide opportunities for children to enjoy furthering their individual interests and skills.
Our Home Learning offers a blended approach of online and real world learning experiences:
- Atom Prime – an online learning platform providing Maths, Spelling and Reading activities
- TT Rockstars – an online platform where children practise tables in an engaging context
- Reading – your child will have a colour banded Reading book and a free choice library book
- Priory Puzzle – a selection of real world activities to support learning across the curriculum
On occasion home learning may be adjusted to take into account certain aspects of learning in school, particularly that related to special events and/or topic themes. Information on this will be provided accordingly.
No home learning is set for the end of term holidays, however children are encouraged to maintain their reading and TT Rockstars as much as possible. At Half Term, home learning is set over two weeks and families will have the choice to complete it prior or during the break.
These are recommended times to guide families. Often children become engrossed in learning and want to spend more time on an activity which should be encouraged. Occasionally, a child may experience difficulties or be unable to complete their home learning within the recommended time. If this is the case then children should submit what they have completed and seek assistance from their teacher.
If a child has a question or query about their home learning or is finding it especially challenging they should see their teacher for further guidance and support. If there is a particular problem, parents and carers should communicate directly with the class teacher using the normal channels.
Each Year Group provides a lunchtime Home Learning Club where children can have a quiet space and appropriate materials to complete their home learning. Teachers are available to support and guide if required.